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Guildhall Accident Book (Pack of 5) T44 Pack of 5 Guildhall Accident Report Book. Fully compliant with the Data protection Act (DPA) 1998. Included are details to recent changes to the law along with useful guidance on the reporting of accidents for both employers and employees
Guildhall Minute Book Indexed 160 Pages 32M Pack of 1 Guildhall Green Minute Book with ledger quality paper. Size: 298 x203mm (11.75x8). 32- Series with 160 pages. Minute Book. Ref 32/M.
Guildhall Orange Foolscap Transfer Spiral File Pack of 50 348-ORG Pack of 50 Guildhall Transfer Spring Files. Manilla file with two transfer prongs and corresponding coil springs to create a rigid bridge for sorting filed enabling papers to be rearranged and removed at any point. Size - Foolscap. Colour - Orange.
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